Thursday, September 17, 2009

I have been soooo neglectful of my blog; i am ashamed!!! Anyway, i was in Florida with my family for the last two weeks of August. Of course Edward HAD to come along. He chilled on the beach, relaxed on the balcony, and i even took him on the Palm Beach Princess Casino Cruise with us. My husband, Brother FC, hates all that is Twilight and Edward. I think he might be jealous... But anyway, when he drinks, he is one of the funniest people alive! For a usually unhappy and generally grumpy man, it is hilarious to witness. Anyway, I had to get some Edward shots on the cruise boat. And as i placed him gently on the table in the lounge, positioned him gingerly where he needed to be, my husband decides he needs to be in the picture as well...

Edward did not appreciate sharing the limelight, and insisted i take a better picture, without husband and sippy cup. This is the one he liked the best.

Vacation was wonderful; the weather was perfect. Maybe Edward dazzled the clouds?

Side note: Just saw the newest preview for New Moon, and dear lord Edward is so incredibly hot!!!! I need to bring a napkin to soak up the drooling i will be doing in the theater!!


  1. Fire Crotch said...
    So how much did you all win this time?
    Dizzz said...
    We won nothing; but he didn't leave broke, which was a good thing. Sean kepped running around the lounge with Edward, making him fly around. He cracks me up! He LOVES P.E.

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