Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Television has changed dramatically since when I was young. Once Survivor started, apparently producers realized that these reality elimination shows are a goldmine. They were correct because a plethora of them exist now. No matter what channel you turn to, you see Tyra Banks, Donald Trump, or Paula Abdul cheering on these hopeful stars in the attempt to find “The Best” at whatever they are peddling.

All of these shows share the “survivor mentality”, meaning each week some poor fool is cut and has to go home with their heads hanging low. An interesting type of program, but seriously, HOW MANY OF THESE TYPES OF SHOWS DO YOU NEED!?! Is creative muse gone to the point that this is all we can watch anymore? Does the world truly care who is the best singer, dancer, model, bachelor(ette), fashion designer, especially when 3 – 4 of the same type of “talent show” air simultaneously. Pick one of each, and call it a day please!

Although there are more than just 3 "types" of these shows, for the sake of not having a 5 page blog, i limit my critique to the top three i have thought about watching personally: talent, modeling, and dancing shows.

American Idol

Let’s start with a show that gets lots of attention, American Idol. From a media perspective, the judges rouse more attention and controversy than the contestants themselves! After 8 seasons of this “drivel”, one would think that a person would be used to the judges’ drama and sometimes cutting remarks about the contestants and each other. Ranked #1 Most Popular TV Show, according to TV Guide, really does entertain the crowds. And yes, they even have lots of talented singers who are working hard to make it in the business. The only other good quality besides the judges’ interaction is the auditions, they are HILARIOUS!

I do not frequent this program, when I do watch it I love hearing Simon Cowell’s opinions and interaction with the others. His bio on American Idol’s website states he is “Honest to a fault” and I feel that describes him perfectly! My question is “Would American Idol be as interesting if he were not a judge?” I would never tune in, personally. Starting with other talent shows such as “Popstar” and “Pop Idol” (This is where American Idol spun-off from); he also is involved in the “Britain’s got Talent” and “X Factor” So he must be the ideal talent scout!

As for the opposite end of the spectrum, judge Kara Dioguardi needs to just keep her mouth shut. Every time it opens something stupid comes out of it (on the show). On the other hand, her singing voice is amazing. Why can’t she bring some of that to the show? I have no clue whatsoever! If only, right? Wait, you may not know what she sounds like, right? If you go to her website, you can hear her for yourself. J I was blown away at first, because she seems like such a sap on the show!

Another show of similar type is America’s Got Talent which is the 16th most popular show according to TV Guide. Obviously they got nothing on American Idol. Perhaps there are too many shows to watch, and not enough DVR/TEVO time. I know nothing of this program, except for the title and what the show features. So my drivel time for this one is short and sweet.

Dancing with the Stars

Now this program uses some creative energy. Let’s have a show that features a famous person linked with a professional ballroom dancer, and have them compete to see who comes up on top! From what i have gathered as a non-watcher, a type of dance is picked for the contestant couples and they have to show what they can do with it. Kind of like a Soul Train (that might reveal how old I am, damn) but with kick. Ranking #6 show according to TV Guide, people seem to really love this one too. Well why not? This program has snazzy costumes, sexual innuendoes, interesting dance combinations and more! Having never seen it, there is only so much I can go on about it. But once again, we can vote, so we pick the top couple (along with the judges), per say.

Considering the fact that So You Think You Can Dance is all the way back as #81 on the TV Guide list, dancing with the Stars must have something good that the other show does not have? Famous people, THAT’S IT! Well the world loves celebrities, don’t we?

America’s Next Top Model

What girl does not dream of being a model one day? All girls want to feel beautiful and adored! I write about this program with mixed feelings, as I do watch it. However I think it gives girls the wrong idea about what a woman should look and act like. From temper tantrums to love triangles, this one is my favorite of the “elimination shows”. My favorite part is the photoshoots. As an amateur photographer, it is fascinating to see what they come up with for these girls to do in a shoot, although I believe lots of these shoots are designed after ones that Tyra had done personally during her career as a model.

This #7 ranked show adds a “real world” aspect, as the girls live together (and fight together) while competing to be the next “top” model. The dynamic between the models is interesting to watch but on the flip side they really can be bitches. Each week contains at least one photoshoot and a challenge, which gives the winning girl some sort of “prize”. After the 13+ weeks of watching these girls love/hate each other, the winner emerges. Why is it that out of the 12 seasons this show has aired, I have only liked the winner two or three times at most? Some of the girls are just not pretty. It makes you wonder what they see honestly.

Who was my favorite winner? I know you are all dying to know! This is my favorite photoshoot picture of Eva Pigford (is that seriously her last name ~ GADS my condolences). Yes that IS a tarantula on her hand, I get heeby-jeebies looking at it. It turned out great, and she was petrified of that spider. She had a panic attack, cried, the whole nine-yards!

And they posed the nasty thing on her hand, on her face, etc. Give the girl credit, seriously. I would NEVER, NEVER EVER let one of those creepy freaking nasties on me anywhere!!! on her face near her eyes, I am getting goosebumps just thinking about it. GO EVA, you rock!

She is gorgeous! I can’t believe she won, because she was my favorite in cycle #3 and my favorites just don’t win. Thus the reason I no longer watch.

~The last portion of this blog (on Project Runway) has been changed due to my lack of knowledge on the subject. Consider this a retractment, LMAO!


  1. Fire Crotch said...
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    Fire Crotch said...
    Okay, so I would have stuck to the shows you actually watch because your critique of ANTM was really good. BTW Project Runway is about fashion designers not models, and it's actually really good. My biggest problem with reality shows is that the first season is usually really good because people are genuinely nice to each other but as the seasons progress, the contestants play the "game" and do anything to win. Even my beloved Project Runway is starting to get this way. Top Chef is also really good.
    Dizzz said...
    Ok i apologize on my lack of knowledge on Project Runway, I probably should have known that it was a designer show. I am pretty sure I saw a commercial for it or something, but most of the television obsessions of this type are not rally in my realm of knowledge as i don't watch it (I don't even watch ANTM anymore). Maybe i should run blogs about Heroes; GOd knows I watc hthat particular program diligently.... It will probably be a blog focue next season. Watch out September!

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