Thursday, July 23, 2009

Previously on TT, I discussed the battle between Pocket Edward and Cobra Commander, and of course, our sparkly prince won, hands down! My husband swears that if Cobra was not trapped in his packaging, the outcome would have been completely different! WHATEVER HONEY!! If he wants to believe a four inch creepy looking guy could best the Adorable Undead we all know and love, that is his prerogative I suppose.

This week I want to discuss my new Twilight Obsession, Fan Fiction. Once upon a time, I was a normal and somewhat boring (ok I am boring, so what) mom, who was oblivious to the Twilight and Blogging world. My daughter tried to convert me to a Twilighter with no success; I even refused to see the damn movie when it came it. REFUSED!!! And I love vampire movies (ok not super gory ones but Lost Boys, Blade, you get the picture), so it was surprising I was adamant NO TWILIGHT! My daughter instead went with her god-mother, read all the books, and converted previously Twi-Virgin FC to the “cult”. FC then turned her wiles on me, and it was all downhill from there. First Twilight, then blogging… NOW…

The latest obsession my SIL has yanked me into is fan fiction. Whereas I used to have time on my hands, all spare time now (which is limited) is spent finding interesting smut to satisfy my previously unsatisfied PG Twi-fantasies. Hey don’t hate on me, there is some really good fan fiction out there! It adds a small amount of fictional excitement to my otherwise dull, drab life (ok i am exaggerating my life is not that bad).

I actually think my FIL used to read this stuff, cause my husband used to say his dad read "smut" on the internet all day... Never knew how that was possible until now, lol. I really miss my father-in-law, he was my buddy. He got me into the show Charmed, GOD I LOVED THAT SHOW, and Walker Texas Ranger, and Computer Shows. So I guess I know where my SIL got the habit of addicting me to stuff from, and I appreciate it. Luv U Sis!

Back to my newest obsession. Although I was in the Twi-Closet for a while, I openly admit my interest in these stories. I love smut!!! I read romance novels all the time, which is why I would love a Kindle, so I don’t have to have the books with the half naked people on the front SCREAMING to people around me what I am reading. Fan Fiction is great because it fulfills the same purpose; I can read it all day and no one can see what I am about on my laptop, unless they stand over my shoulder, of course. And best part is, it is free reading material. Free is always good! I eat up Free!!!!

It is amazing what people’s imaginations can come up with. They depict the Twilight characters in fascinating ways, and put them in incredibly unbelievable situations. So my question is, and although I have not done research I wonder, Who is the character that fan fiction is created around most?? My theory is of course Edward. Reasoning is simple, most of the readers I have seen reviews on these stories from are women, and who do women all love????? EDWARD!!! EDWARD and more EDWARD!!!

They make him human, dark, evil, sadistic, violent, innocent, and powerful (sometimes all in one story)!!! Am I the only one willing to come out of the Twi-Fan-Fiction closet?? I search for Edward stories, and I could honestly care less if Bella is featured. Bella, BAH!!! Now I bet I could find all the other hotties featured in some of these, but personally… I could care less. So wants again, hats off to my SIL, who has again changed my life to focus even more on Edward Cullen.

Oh and sidenote, FC your brother cut his hair, so no more messy wavy Edwardness there, Booooo!!!! I love him and all, but the day I mentioned his Robward mess, he was less than thrilled. Then the haircut. I don’t understand why… LMAO!


  1. Fire Crotch said...
    No!!!!! Not the hair! We were just tweeting about having our SOs grow out their hair! God, I totally remember dad reading trash on his, I guess I come by it honestly. Heh. Glad I could corrupt you further.
    Anonymous said...
    LOL.. too funny..i'm stuck in fanficland and I can't come out.. im in too deep.. I love some dark twisted sadistic edward.. But i've also stepped on the jasper train and its hard to step off.. And i was just having the free reading material convo with myself the other day.. about how its okay to continue reading the smut non stop day after day b/c it is free and if i wasnt reading this i'd be reading something else that possibly would cost me money.. so its a win win situation..

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